IP#174 Dr. Matthew Bunson – St. Hildegard and St. John of Avila on Inside the Pages

On October 7, at the beginning of the Synod on the New Evangelization, St. Hildegard and St. John of AvilaPope Benedict XVI will declare St. Hildegard von Bingen and St. John of Avila  Doctors of the Church.  On this special edition of Inside the Pages I talk with Dr. Matthew Bunson about the significance of this declaration.  We talk about the lives and work of both saints and how their teachings can touch our lives today.

St. Hildegard and St. John of Avila
St. Hildegard
St. Hildegard and St. John of Avila
St. John of Avila

IP#173 Gregory Erlandson – Our Sunday Visitor and the Year of Faith on Inside the Pages

What a delight to have the chance once again to talk with Gregory Erlandson, president and publisher of  Our Sunday Visitor Gregory ErlandsonPublishing, one of the finest resources out there for nurturing our faith.   Greg has that wonderful “eagle-eye”  view of not only all things Catholic, but of the world as a whole and he uses it to help see how we can fit into our society and culture as faithful believers.

It was great to discuss not only current events affecting the Church today, but also the greater need for interior renewal which is the true “fuel” for the New Evangelization.  Faith is ultimately about a relationship with God.  He warns us that being lukewarm in our faith can be deadly for the Church.  That we can  become such weak witnesses that we bear only the name Catholic, which unfortunately can cause disillusionment or even scandal in the hearts and minds of those around us.   Therefore, the New Evangelization needs to begin with each of us personally.  When that renewal happens, we will then be a Church that can authentically and vibrantly witness our  life-giving  faith to world badly in need of the Gospel message.

Our Sunday Visitor has so many fantastic resources to nurture that relationship, whether your at home with the kids or working out in the world, a catechist/DRE or a pastor trying to reach out to your families through the internet, OSV can add in that “connection”.

Click here to find out more on their website osv.com



IP#172 Nigel Cliff – The Last Crusade on Inside the Pages

What a great read and so very timely! Author Nigel Cliff’s fantastic “The Last Crusade: The Epic Voyages of Vasco da Gama” is now available in QP.  Nigel chronicles the clash of the Islamic East and the Christian West in a way I that I had not experienced before. Tracing the roots of the Islamic experience and it’s occupation of the Iberian Peninsula helps with the needed background for this story.  Then he takes us on the thrilling adventures of the 28 year Portuguese explorer who set out for the elusive sea-based trade route to the east which would not only allow Christendom to penetrate into the heart of India, but would allow a Crusade to halt the economic grip of the East from crushing the West in Europe.  A contemporary of Christopher Columbus, it seems as though the tale and accomplishments of Vasco da Gama are mostly overshadowed today…but no longer thanks to the work of Nigel Cliff.  A terrific non-fiction historical read that illuminates the events of today.

You can find the book here


“A useful addition to a continuing lively discussion of Christianity and Islam, situated both in respect of religions and culture, as well as empires and trade.” (Kirkus )

IP#171 Fr. Michael Gaitley – Consoling the Heart of Jesus on Inside the Pages

What a joy to have the opportunity to talk once again with Fr. Michael Gaitley at the 2012 CMN Trade Show in Dallas, TX.  We discuss the Year of Faith, “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” and his new book coming soon…”The One Thing is Three”.  We talk about how the New Evangelization and the role model that Bl. John Paul II was to all of us.  We all discuss “All Hearts a Fire” the new parish based program which is absolutely FANTASTIC!  Be sure to check it out and pass it on!

You can find the book here

Michael Gaitley, MIC’s book is a form of a weekend retreat accessible to those at the beginning stages of a simple way to holiness. While reading this book, I wished I could have had it in conversing with people of little or practically no faith who yet had a longing for the faith that lies at the core of human existence. These hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, Lord and this book guides them on a journey to resting in God. –Fr. Mitch Pacwa

IP#170 Dan Burke – Navigating the Interior Life on Inside the Pages

It was with the greatest delight that I had the opportunity to meet Dan Burke at the recent Catholic Marketing Trade Show, held in Dallas, TX.  Dan is the incredibly gifted founder of “Catholic Spiritual Direction“, a fantastic website, where I have received a great deal of insight and inspiration.  To read his work on the site is a wonderful thing, but to talk with Dan and hear him share the beauty of our Catholic Spiritual Tradition is pure gift.  He really gets it!  More than just the “how-to’s”, Dan understands the “why” of  prayer and discernment and he communicates it beautifully.  He appreciates what our hearts ache for; he shares with us that it begins and ends with an encounter with Jesus…the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Dan Burke launched out on the “digital sea” long before many others in order to bring to those who were seeking the richness of authentic Catholic Spiritual Direction …and for that blessing we have much to thank him for.

And here’s great news…Dan has a new book coming from Emmaus Road Publishing
(get your orders in now!)

You can find Dan’s book here 

Calling All Catholics Into A Deeper Union …

“Most of us have questions about spiritual direction. What is it? Is it for me? What if I can’t find a spiritual director? These questions and more are well answered in Dan Burke’s book. The Lord is clearly calling all Catholics into a deeper union with him. This book, in a style which is both inspiring and practical, provides some of the Church’s most important wisdom about how to respond to this call.”

Ralph Martin

IP#169 Shannon Dietz on Exposed on Inside the Pages

“Exposed: Inexcusable Me… Irreplaceable Him” by Shannon Dietz is a compelling book which chronicles her experiences growing up in her devout Catholic home, dealing with realities of brokenness that  results from the assaults that come from the world, from the enemy and from our own negative choices, and the healing that comes from surrendering completely to the love of Jesus Christ.  Shannon shares her story of being raped, not once but twice, and the devastating effect it had on her life and self-image.  She would run from God and her Catholic faith for a time, which only led her to experience a greater period of isolation and despair.  Eventually she turned to Him and found the peace and strength she had been aching for in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  That moment would provide a powerful encounter of grace and mercy and would set her once again on the path home to the loving embrace of the God the Father.  Her story is one that speaks to the hearts of several generation of women.  A powerful story and witness that there is indeed a beautiful “light at the end of the tunnel”. Shannon is the founder of “Hopeful Hearts Ministry“…be sure to visit the website!

You can find the book here

Patrice Fagnant–Macarthur, Sr. Editor of Catholic Lane, Author of “Letters to Mary from a Young Mother”
“It took great courage for Shannon to share her story. It is an important one for young people who are struggling with addiction or abuse and those who question whether God still cares for them.”

C.A. Webb, President of Conversations Book Club, Host of Conversations Live!
“A powerful book that helps us to live a life that is open to receive all that is meant for us.”

“Shannon’s candid sharing will prove to be a blessing to victims and those that care about them.”
Fr. Gavin Vaverek, Maria Goretti Network


IP#168 Eric Sammons – Holiness for Everyone on Inside the Pages

“Holiness for Everyone: The Practical Spirituality of St. Josemaria Escriva” is fantastic book which offers a path to living out holiness in our everyday lives.  Eric Sammons breaks open St. Josemaria’s teachings and presents useful steps at the end of each chapter to  foster incorporation of those daily disciplines into our spiritual practice.  Wonderful food for the journey.

You can find the book here

From the description:

Strive for your own personal holiness as you implement your daily plan to:
–Be a Contemplative in the Midst of a Busy World
–Live a Life of Prayer
–Recognize the Presence of God
–Make a Plan of Life
–Make Your Work a Way to Heaven

Holiness for Everyone will inspire you as it sets your feet on the path to sainthood.

“Eric Sammons shows that St. Josemaria has recovered the most powerful truth of classic Christianity and restated it in a way that is compelling for men and women of our time.”
—From the Foreword by Scott Hahn

IP#167 Dr. John Bergsma – Bible Basics for Catholics on Inside the Pages

Well we simply can’t say that studying the Old Testament is intimidating anymore, not when there is the work of Dr. John Bergsma to help us through the door. “Bible Basics for Catholics: A New Picture of Salvation History” is a wonderful guide to begin the journey, not only for the individual, but also for the entire family.  Many of us our visual learners, and bearing that in mind, Dr. Bergsma has transformed what has worked for his classroom into a book that can help us all.  It is indeed a unique approach, which seems like a simple presentation, but is so packed with important fundamental elements of Sacred Scripture that you hardly realize that you’ve mastered the “heavy” things.  Instead you come away more aware and deeply appreciative of the “family” history in which we’ve been given. His love for the Old Testament is apparent, and he passes on new insights to us all.  Having been twice voted Faculty of the Year by graduating classes at Franciscan University, he is a popular teacher whose love of scripture inspires his students….and now we can see why!

Be sure to visit the fantastic “The Sacred Page” blog he shares with Brant Pitre, and Michael Barber (what a trio!)

You can find the book here

“John Bergsma is a very effective teacher of Scripture with a gift for clarity and depth.” —Scott Hahn, Author of Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots

“John Bergsma brings his biblical scholarship, pastoral heart, and gift for teaching together in this charming, easy-to-use overview of Salvation History. Catechists, teachers, and pastoral ministers will find this an inestimable resource, both for their own reference, and for shepherding those under their care. Highly recommended.” —Edward Sri, STD, Chancellor and Professor of Scripture and Theology, Augustine Institute

“We go by way of history and imagination to the Holy Land, and to times long past, and we meet the most fascinating people who ever lived: Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus. We can do all this because of John Bergsma’s rare gifts. This book can change lives.” —Mike Aquilina, Author of The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition

IP#165 Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J. – The Language of the Liturgy on Inside the Pages

Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J. has such an incredible depth of knowledge and experience, that it is gift to discuss any topic with him, but it is especially wonderful to reflect with him on “the language of the liturgy.”  In this episode we discuss 2 books published by Ignatius Press, “Benedict XVI’s Reform” by Msgr. Nicola Bux and “The Voice of the Church at Prayer” by Fr. Uwe Michael Lang.  We discuss the primacy of place the Sacred Liturgy holds in our lives and the importance of offering it worthily.  Fr. Fessio helps us to understand the history of the reform, especially in its expression through our language.  We also discuss  the importance of elevating our understanding and action as opposed to “dumbing it down”.  We also look at the important role the use of Latin plays in enhancing the sense of the sacred in our sacramental expression.  Msgr. Bux’s book does an incredible job of closely examining the nature of  liturgical reform nurtured by Pope Benedict XVI, while Fr. Lang’s book offers a fascinating history of the language used in our celebrations.  Not just for scholars, these works offer invaluable insight into the heart of the liturgy we participate in.

You can find it at ignatius.com

Nicola Bux is a priest of the Archdiocese of Bari and a professor of eastern liturgy and sacramental theology. He has studied and taught in Jerusalem and in Rome. He is a consultor to the Congregations for the Doctrine of the Faith and for the Causes of Saints and consultant of the international Catholic theological journal Communio. He was recently named a consultor to the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff.

It also can be found here

Uwe Michael Lang, a native of Germany, is a priest of the Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri in London. At present, he is a staff member of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and teaches at the Pontifical Institute for Christian Archeology and at the Master’s program in “Architecture, Sacred Art and Liturgy” at the UniversitÀ Europea di Roma. In September 2008, he was appointed a Consultor to the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff. His book Turning Towards the Lord (2nd edition, Ignatius, 2009), with a preface by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, has been published in several languages. Most recently, he has edited and contributed to the volume The Genius of the Roman Rite: Historical, Theological and Pastoral Perspectives on Catholic Liturgy (Hillenbrand Books, 2010).