IP#504 Dan LeRoy – Why We Think What We Think on Inside the Pages w/ Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Why We Think What We Think by Dan LeRoy on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

In this episode of Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor, guest Dan LeRoy discusses his book, which explores the decline of philosophical thinking in the Western world. They discuss the importance of philosophy for fostering critical thinking and understanding cultural shifts. LeRoy critiques modern philosophy for becoming disconnected from practical realities, arguing that it has contributed to societal confusion and dissatisfaction.

They explore historical and philosophical influences, highlighting how figures like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and later, St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, have shaped Western thought. The discussion emphasizes the enduring relevance of classical philosophers and the consequences of abandoning their teachings in modern times. LeRoy argues that reconnecting with these foundational ideas is essential for addressing contemporary issues and achieving true happiness, which aligns with the pursuit of virtue and truth.

LeRoy also critiques modern philosophical trends that prioritize individual happiness over communal responsibility, linking these trends to broader societal unhappiness. The conversation underscores the need for a philosophical renaissance that embraces ancient and medieval thinkers’ rigorous, virtue-oriented approach to remedying modern existential and ethical dilemmas.

You can find the book here.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions:

  1. Personal Reflection on Philosophy: How does your understanding of philosophy align with the perspectives shared by Dan Leroy? In what ways can you incorporate philosophical thinking into your daily life to make more informed, virtuous decisions?
  2. Role of Virtue: How do you define virtue in your own life? Reflect on how the pursuit of virtue can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment, as discussed by LeRoy. Are there areas in your life where you could strive more actively for virtue?
  3. Influence of Historical Philosophers: Consider the impact of philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas on your own understanding of the world. How do their teachings on truth and virtue resonate with your personal beliefs and practices?
  4. Modern Philosophy’s Disconnect: LeRoy discusses the disconnect of modern philosophy from practical and ethical concerns. Reflect on any modern philosophical ideas or movements you are aware of. Do you agree that they are disconnected from “real-world” applications? Why or why not?
  5. Critical Thinking in Culture: In what ways do you think critical thinking is lacking in today’s culture? How can the revival of classical philosophical principles contribute to solving contemporary problems?
  6. Philosophy and the Catholic Faith: Reflect on how philosophy can complement your Catholic faith. How can embracing philosophical inquiry enhance your spiritual life and your understanding of Catholic teachings?
  7. Community and Individualism: Reflect on the tension between individualism and community responsibilities as discussed in the episode. How do you balance personal freedom with communal obligations in your own life?
  8. Pursuit of Truth and Happiness: How does your pursuit of truth impact your happiness? Do you agree with the assertion that true happiness comes from fulfilling our purpose and seeking virtue? Why or why not?
  9. Engagement with Philosophical Texts: Are there philosophical texts or thinkers you have been meaning to explore? What might be holding you back, and how could engaging with these materials enrich your intellectual and spiritual life?
  10. Action Steps: Based on the discussion in the podcast, what are some practical steps you can take to deepen your philosophical understanding and apply it to your life challenges?

From the book’s description:

We’re all starting to hear people ask how the world has gotten to be the way it is. Grafted onto the usual complaints about why people are so greedy, self-absorbed, and callous toward one another are new expressions of frustration about even more fundamental concerns. Why can’t we agree on concepts that used to be basic common sense? Why does our very language now seem to be a minefield that only the most wily and tactical (or cynical) among us can navigate?

The only way to understand fully how we have arrived at this state — and what, if anything, we might be able to do about it — is to embark on a journey back in time to see where we went off the rails. With candor and occasional humor, Dan LeRoy tells the sweeping story of Western thought from its beginnings to the present, revealing the souls and idiosyncrasies of its greatest thinkers. Through stirring vignettes, he tells the real story of how our customs and thought patterns developed and then relates it to our current moment of rupture.

In pages that sometimes read like an Indiana Jones adventure, LeRoy explains the detour that philosophy took nearly a thousand years ago that has led Western society to its current, dire situation. With sharp pen and clear eye, he reveals:

  • The roots of classical philosophy, including empiricism (Ready to wade into the water?)
  • How views on ethics and morality began to take shape even before Christ
  • The three ways to attain happiness, according to the Big Three philosophers
  • Four splinter groups and how their philosophies impact us today
  • The enduring teachings of Sts. Augustine and Aquinas, among many others

About the Author

Dan LeRoy is an author, journalist and teacher who has been the director of the Writing and Publishing Department at Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School in Midland, Pennsylvania, since 2006. His writing about music and politics has appeared in the New York Times, Rolling Stone, Newsweek, the Village Voice, Alternative Press, Esquire, and National Review Online.

IP#503 Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes – Spiritual Masters on Inside the Pages w/ Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Spiritual Masters: Living and Praying in the Catholic Tradition by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Kris McGregor discusses with Archbishop Hughes his recently published book, “Spiritual Masters: Living and Praying in the Catholic Tradition.” Archbishop Hughes explains that the book was inspired by a widespread desire for deeper spiritual engagement and a lack of knowledge on how to pursue it more meaningfully, in addition to the importance of moving beyond mere factual knowledge to gaining wisdom through reflection and divine guidance, advocating for an intellectual and spiritual conversion to deepen one’s faith and understanding.

They touch on the challenges posed by the digital age, which tends to keep people engaged only on a superficial level, and the necessity of creating reflective spaces to cultivate a deeper spiritual life. They also go into the significance of entering into solitude, as exemplified by St. Anthony of the Desert, and the role of spiritual direction in Christian life, a practice notably advanced by St. Anthony’s life and work.

Reflecting on the importance of not skipping the introductory sections of spiritual texts, as these often contain essential wisdom and guidance for reading the rest of the work; shifting from a student’s mindset to that of a disciple, seeking to learn and live out the teachings and wisdom found in spiritual writings.

You can find the book here.

Discerning Hearts Reflection Questions:

  1. Spiritual Exercises vs. Spiritual Understanding: Discuss how Archbishop Hughes’ book shifts from a typical biographical approach to a format that engages the reader in spiritual exercises. How does this approach challenge your understanding of spiritual reading?
  2. Consequences of the Digital Age: Reflect on the Archbishop’s view that the digital age keeps us at the surface of life. How has technology affected your personal prayer life or your ability to engage deeply with your faith?
  3. Knowledge versus Wisdom: The Archbishop differentiates between gathering knowledge and cultivating wisdom. Can you share an instance where you felt your spiritual knowledge transitioned into deeper wisdom? How did this impact your faith practices?
  4. The Importance of Solitude: Why do you think solitude is emphasized as the starting point for spiritual growth in the podcast? Share your thoughts on how solitude can lead to a deeper spiritual life.
  5. Spiritual Direction and Guidance: How important is spiritual direction in your life? Discuss the benefits and challenges of seeking and maintaining a relationship with a spiritual director.
  6. Reflective Time and Intellectual Conversion: Archbishop Hughes stresses the need for reflective time as essential for wisdom and spiritual conversion. How can you implement or improve reflective practices in your daily routine?
  7. Learning from Saints and Spiritual Masters: Which saint or spiritual master do you feel most connected to, and what have they taught you about living a faithful Christian life? Discuss how their example can be applied in today’s world.
  8. The Role of Desire in Spiritual Life: Reflect on the role of desire in your spiritual journey. How does understanding and nurturing your spiritual desires influence your relationship with God?
  9. Scripture as a Living Word: Discuss the concept of Scripture as a ‘love letter from God’. How does this perspective change the way you read and interact with the Bible?
  10. The Impact of Spiritual Writings on Modern Life: Considering the diverse teachings and lives of the spiritual masters mentioned, how can their wisdom be effectively applied to address the challenges of modern Christian living?

From the book’s description:

“This book introduces the reader to thirteen Christian spiritual classics that illustrate the ordinary steps we can take toward living the Gospel life more fully.

Drawing on the rich teaching of a particular saint or mystic, each chapter helps us grow in a different aspect of holiness, of intimacy with God. Archbishop Hughes offers an itinerary for becoming a good disciple of the Lord, giving the reader access to an impressive spiritual library that can support and strengthen progress in discipleship throughout one’s life.

Among the great saints and spiritual writers whose writings are included in this book are Augustine, Anthony of the Desert, Aelred, Teresa of Avila, Benedict, Guigo, Catherine of Siena, Walter Hilton, Francis de Sales, Ignatius of Loyola, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Thomas à Kempis, and John of the Cross.”

About the Author

Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes, a native of Boston, was ordained a priest in 1957. Having secured a doctorate in Spiritual Theology at the Gregorian University, he served in parish, seminary and administrative roles in Boston. Pope St. John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Baton Rouge in 1993 and Archbishop of New Orleans in 2002. As Emeritus, he now serves at Notre Dame Seminary.

IP#347 Joel Stepanek – Chasing Humility on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcast

Joel Stepanek – Chasing Humility on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

I cannot recommend this book and the work of Joel Stepanek more highly!  Based on the great Litany of Humility, “Chasing Humility: 8 Ways to Shape a Christian Heart” is a game-changer in the formation of the Christian heart.  It’s no wonder St. Teresa of Calcutta had her Missionaries of Charity pray this prayer every morning (and they still do)!  It’s a challenging prayer when you first contemplate exactly what it is you are asking of the Lord.  But if you trust in the fruits which it brings into your life, your spiritual journey will never be the same.  Run, don’t walk, to get this book!  A modern-day spiritual classic!

You can find this book here

“In Chasing Humility, Joel Stepanek does a masterful job giving the reader practical steps for cultivating authentic humility. Drawing on scripture, engaging stories, and good old common sense, this book is funny and wise, raw and relatable. Stepanek’s insights offer a soul-stirring read to any soul looking to improve. The question isn’t whether we need to be humble, but who can be humble enough to do something about it. This book is the perfect way to grow in holiness and ultimately, happiness, one achievable step at a time.” —Mark Hart, Executive Vice President, Life Teen International

“This book was like a punch to the gut—a much needed, very welcome, life-changing gut punch. It is bold, honest, and raw. Joel has given us an absolutely delightful read that is also really challenging, and it was just what we (and so many others) need to be reminded of the necessity to both seek humility and live and walk humbly with the Lord. Read this book. Absorb this book. Let Joel and his words on humility sucker-punch you and you’ll be so grateful.” —Katie Prejean McGrady and Tommy McGrady, Catholic speakers and cohosts of The Electric Waffle

“Joel Stepanek highlights for us the proper and sacred space of humility in the Christian life. Exploring the Litany of Humility, he provides a delightful roadmap for embracing the virtue not as a weakness but as a strength in our personal prayer lives and leadership outreach. There could not be a better time for leaders to be reintroduced to the virtue of humility in a world that very often values self-centeredness over seeing and supporting others.” —Rev. Dan Felton, Vicar General, Diocese of Green Bay

POA10 – Know Your Armor: The Virtues – Put On The Armor – A Manual for Spiritual Warfare w/Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D. – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Catholic Spiritual Formation - Catholic Spiritual Direction“Know Your Armor: The Virtues” – Put on The Armor – A Manual for Spiritual Warfare with Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D

Dr. Thigpen offers insights on the Manual for Spiritual Warfare Chapter 5:

Prayer and fasting, worship and adoration, Scripture and sacraments and sacramentals all provide the weapons of our spiritual warfare. With them we go on the offensive against the Evil One. But the virtues provide our defensive armor.

As Blessed Pope Paul VI once observed, St. Paul “used the armor of a soldier as a symbol for the virtues that can make a Christian invulnerable.” They are our best defense against his attacks, for they guard our minds and hearts from his deceptions and temptations. A lapse in virtue is in fact a chink in our armor that makes us vulnerable.

Each of these virtues, then, and all the others as well, play a vital role in protecting us from enemy assault as the armor we must wear. St. Paul sums it up: “Put on, therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience. Bear with one another, if anyone has a grievance against any other; even as the Lord has forgiven you, so also you must forgive. But above all these things have charity, which is the bond of perfection” (Col 3: 12– 14). Only with such armor will we be fully covered and protected from the Evil One’s attacks.

Visit here for other episodes in this series:
Put On The Armor – A Manual for Spiritual Warfare w/Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D.


The “Manual for Spiritual Warfare” can be found here

Paul Thigpen, Ph.D, is the Editor of TAN Books in Charlotte, North Carolina. An internationally known speaker, best-selling author and award-winning journalist, Paul has published forty-three books in a wide variety of genres and subjects: history and biography, spirituality and apologetics, anthologies and devotionals, family life and children’s books, study guides and reference works, fiction and collections of poetry and prayers.

Paul graduated from Yale University in 1977 summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with Distinction in the Major of Religious Studies. He was later awarded the George W. Woodruff Fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta, where he earned an M.A. (1993) and a Ph.D. (1995) in Historical Theology. In 1993 he was named as a Jacob K. Javits Fellow by the U.S. Department of Education. He has served on the faculty of several universities and colleges.

In 2008 Paul was appointed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to their National Advisory Council for a four-year term. He has served the Church as a theologian, historian, apologist, evangelist, and catechist in a number of settings,speaking frequently in Catholic and secular media broadcasts and at conferences, seminars, parish missions, and scholarly gatherings.


POA1 – Know Your Enemy – Put On The Armor – A Manual for Spiritual Warfare with Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D. – Discerning Hears Catholic Podcasts

Put On The Armor - A Manual for Spiritual Warfare w/Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D. 2

Episode 1 – “Know Your Enemy” – Put on The Armor – A Manual for Spiritual Warfare with Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D

Dr. Thigpen offers insights on the Manual for Spiritual Warfare Chapter 1:

Like it or not, you are at war.

No matter who you are — whether or not you know it — you have a mortal enemy who wants to destroy you, not just in this life, but in the next.

No matter where you live on this planet — whether or not you can see it — you live on a hotly contested battlefield, and you can’t escape the conflict.

It’s a spiritual war with crucial consequences in your everyday life. And the outcome of that war will determine your eternal destiny.

The first rule of any type of warfare is to know your enemy. How can you fight an adversary you can’t identify? Worse yet, how can you avoid being a casualty in a battle going on all around you if you don’t even recognize that you’re in danger?

Visit here for other episodes in this series:
Put On The Armor – A Manual for Spiritual Warfare w/Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D.

The “Manual for Spiritual Warfare” can be found here.

POA6 - "Know your Weapons" pt. 1 - Put On The Armor - A Manual for Spiritual Warfare w/Dr. Paul Thigpen Ph.D.

Paul Thigpen, Ph.D., is the Editor of TAN Books in Charlotte, North Carolina. An internationally known speaker, best-selling author, and award-winning journalist, Paul has published forty-three books in a wide variety of genres and subjects: history and biography, spirituality and apologetics, anthologies and devotionals, family life and children’s books, study guides and reference works, fiction and collections of poetry and prayers. 

Paul graduated from Yale University in 1977 summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with Distinction in the Major of Religious Studies. He was later awarded the George W. Woodruff Fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta, where he earned an M.A. (1993) and a Ph.D. (1995) in Historical Theology. In 1993 he was named as a Jacob K. Javits Fellow by the U.S. Department of Education. He has served on the faculty of several universities and colleges.

In 2008 Paul was appointed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to their National Advisory Council for a four-year term. He has served the Church as a theologian, historian, apologist, evangelist, and catechist in a number of settings, speaking frequently in Catholic and secular media broadcasts and at conferences, seminars, parish missions, and scholarly gatherings.


SCS6 – “The Precious Blood”, “The Christ Bridge” and other topics – St. Catherine of Siena with Fr. Thomas McDermott O.P.


Episode 6 St. Catherine of Siena: Her Life and Teachings with Fr. Thomas McDermott

St. Catherine of SienaIn this episode, Fr. McDermott aids in our understanding of St. Catherine’s teachings on the “Blood of Christ” and its context from Sacred Scripture and Medieval sensibilities.  He discusses “The Christ Bridge” as a central image in St. Catherine’s writings and one’s spiritual journey.  The flowering of baptismal grace is exemplified in this teaching.

Fr. Thomas McDermott, OP is Regent of Studies for the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great and is the author of “Catherine of Siena: Spiritual Development in Her Life and Teaching” (Paulist, 2008) and “Filled with all the Fullness of God: An Introduction to Catholic Spirituality”. He obtained a doctorate in spiritual theology from the Angelicum and taught for several years at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis. He currently serves as pastor at St. Vincent Ferrer, in Chicago, IL.

Our series is based on “Catherine of Siena”
by Fr. McDermott


IP#375 – Bishop Donald Hying – Love Never Fails on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

What a delight to talk with Bishop Donald Hying, bishop of the diocese of Madison, WI, about his book Love Never Fails: Living the Catholic Faith in Our Daily Lives! The book is steeped in wisdom from the heart of a contemplative bishop who is very much active in everyday life.  He guides us all with his down-to-earth teaching on prayer and helps us to respond to the universal call to holiness.  It is said that you can’t give what you don’t have, and it’s truly evident that Bishop Hying has it … a love that never fails.  We highly recommended this book and that you connect with Bishop Hying on Facebook to catch his daily video reflections!

You can find the book here

From the book description

The spiritual fruit of much pastoral experience, this book addresses both perennial and current issues facing Catholics in the world today. Ranging from the interior life of prayer and devotion to the practicalities of evangelization and virtue, Bishop Hying offers contemporary and practical insights into the depths of the Catholic faith and how to live it with heroism and humility. He gives a particular focus on the person of Jesus Christ–his identity, mission, and presence in our lives.

As a pastor of souls a good Bishop must apply theology to the lives of the people he serves. These reflections are born from the heart and mind of a pastor who has served in varied contexts of priestly and episcopal ministry, including suburban, inner city, Hispanic, seminary formation, and missionary settings. In the beauty, challenge, grace, and complexity of interacting with a wide variety of people sincerely striving to be holy, Bishop Hying has learned much about the efficacy of God’s purpose and action in human lives and events. This book seeks to feed the Christian soul, mind, and heart.


IP#370 Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. – Christ Versus Satan In Our Daily Lives Part 2 on Inside the Pages w/Kris McGregor Podcast

This book is FANTASTIC and is a definite must-have for all those seeking to grasp the reality of spiritual warfare and the gift we have in the discernment of spirits!  There is simply no one better than Fr. Robert Spitzer to shine a penetrating light on the subject! Christ Versus Satan In Our Daily Lives: The Cosmic Struggle Between Good and Evil is the very best resource we have come across, which accesses the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Desert Fathers, and the mystical wisdom of the Church to help us understand fully the tactics of the Enemy on our minds and hearts, and the freedom found in a relationship with Christ and his Church.  A great resource for every discerning heart!

This podcast contains part 2 of our conversation.

Here is the link for part 1 of our conversation:

IP#369 Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. – Christ Versus Satan In Our Daily Lives Part 1 on Inside the Pages w/Kris McGregor Podcast

You can find the book here

From the book description:

Spiritual writer, theologian, and philosopher Jesuit Fr. Robert Spitzer tackles the topic of recognizing and overcoming spiritual evil. His focus is the human heart. His goal: our moral and spiritual transformation, which leads to true peace and genuine happiness.

The book is divided into two main parts: the realities of God’s goodness and of spiritual evil, and recognizing and overcoming diabolical tactics, which range from temptation and deception to the Deadly Sins.

Father Spitzer shows readers how to experience God’s peace even during times of suffering and persecution. He examines the basics of the spiritual life and Christian mysticism, including the contemplative dimension. He explains the purgative, illuminative, and unitive aspects of spirituality, as well as the Lord’s consolation and the passive Dark Night of the Spirit.

Father Spitzer provides the biblical and theological background of Jesus’ victory over Satan. The author also explores the reality of the Devil, including extraordinary manifestations of diabolic activity such as possession. He recalls the true story of the famous possession case on which the novel and film The Exorcist were based.

In the final sections of the book the author explains:
how diabolical spiritual forces operate how temptation works, and what to do to defeat it the”deadly sins” and how to overcome them

Other conversations with Fr. Robert Spitzer:

IP#315 Fr. Robert Spitzer – The Light Shines On In The Darkness on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor podcast

IP#295 Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. – God So Loved the World pt.1 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#296 Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. – God So Loved the World pt. 2 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#289 Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. – The Souls Upward Yearning on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor pt 1

IP#290 Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. – The Souls Upward Yearning on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor pt 2

IP#282 Fr. Robert Spitzer S. J. –  Finding True Happiness on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#122 Fr. Robert Spitzer – Ten Universal Principles on Inside the Pages

IP#56 Fr. Robert Spitzer – 5 Pillars of the Spiritual Life on Inside the Pages

IP#164 Fr. Robert Spitzer – Cosmic Origins on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#369 Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. – Christ Versus Satan In Our Daily Lives Part 1 on Inside the Pages w/Kris McGregor Podcast

This book is FANTASTIC and is a definite must-have for all those seeking to grasp the reality of spiritual warfare and the gift we have in the discernment of spirits!  There is simply no one better than Fr. Robert Spitzer to shine a penetrating light on the subject! Christ Versus Satan In Our Daily Lives: The Cosmic Struggle Between Good and Evil is the very best resource we have come across, which accesses the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Desert Fathers, and the mystical wisdom of the Church to help us understand fully the tactics of the Enemy on our minds and hearts, and the freedom found in a relationship with Christ and his Church.  A great resource for every discerning heart!

This podcast contains part 1 of our conversation.

You can find the book here

From the book description:

Spiritual writer, theologian, and philosopher Jesuit Fr. Robert Spitzer tackles the topic of recognizing and overcoming spiritual evil. His focus is the human heart. His goal: our moral and spiritual transformation, which leads to true peace and genuine happiness.

The book is divided into two main parts: the realities of God’s goodness and of spiritual evil, and recognizing and overcoming diabolical tactics, which range from temptation and deception to the Deadly Sins.

Father Spitzer shows readers how to experience God’s peace even during times of suffering and persecution. He examines the basics of the spiritual life and Christian mysticism, including the contemplative dimension. He explains the purgative, illuminative, and unitive aspects of spirituality, as well as the Lord’s consolation and the passive Dark Night of the Spirit.

Father Spitzer provides the biblical and theological background of Jesus’ victory over Satan. The author also explores the reality of the Devil, including extraordinary manifestations of diabolic activity such as possession. He recalls the true story of the famous possession case on which the novel and film The Exorcist were based.

In the final sections of the book the author explains:
how diabolical spiritual forces operate how temptation works, and what to do to defeat it the”deadly sins” and how to overcome them

Other conversations with Fr. Robert Spitzer:

IP#315 Fr. Robert Spitzer – The Light Shines On In The Darkness on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor podcast

IP#295 Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. – God So Loved the World pt.1 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#296 Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. – God So Loved the World pt. 2 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#289 Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. – The Souls Upward Yearning on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor pt 1

IP#290 Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. – The Souls Upward Yearning on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor pt 2

IP#282 Fr. Robert Spitzer S. J. –  Finding True Happiness on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

IP#122 Fr. Robert Spitzer – Ten Universal Principles on Inside the Pages

IP#56 Fr. Robert Spitzer – 5 Pillars of the Spiritual Life on Inside the Pages

IP#164 Fr. Robert Spitzer – Cosmic Origins on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor




IP#368 – Fr. Quan Tran – The Imitation of Mary on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

What a delight to have such a wonderful new book in the Church’s Marian spiritual library.  Fr. Quan Tran took time from his busy schedule of serving his parish in California and his “Fullness of Grace” ministry (www.fullnessofgrace.org) to discuss with us  his book The Imitation of Mary: Keys to Growth in Virtue and Grace. It is fantastic and highly recommended to all those who wish to learn not only more about the Blessed Virgin Mary, but how to live a life of true holiness.

You can find the book here

From the book description

In The Imitation of Mary, Fr. Quan Tran shows you how to imitate the twelve essential qualities of Mary in order to unleash a torrent of graces in your life. He explains that, like any gift, grace must be received, opened, and used. As you learn how, you’ll begin to acquire the temperaments, dispositions, and qualities that are most pleasing to God and you’ll serve as a channel of God s grace for others.

You’ll also learn:

The three major obstacles to living a life of faith

What to do if you experience a crisis of faith

The four levels of happiness and how to acquire them

How it’s possible for you to merit an increase in grace

Seven ways you can cultivate a rich devotion to Our Lady

The difference between sanctifying grace and actual grace

The four effects that grace will have on your soul