POC#7 The Power of the Cross with Michael Dubruiel episode 7 – Discerning Hearts

Episode 7 – Taking Up Our Cross… – Michael discusses:

Day 35 – In Abondenment
Day 36 – In Reverance
Day 37 – To Follow the Lord
Day 38 – Be Prepared
Day 39 – In Imitation of Christ
Day 40 – To Stay with Jesus
Day 41 – Be Not Afraid

POC#6 The Power of the Cross with Michael Dubruiel episode 6 – Discerning Hearts

Episode 6 – The Cross of Christ restores… – Fifth Week In “The Power of the Cross”, Michael Dubruiel penned a truly exceptional meditation on the Cross of Christ which serves beautifully as a source for reflection any time of the year, but it is particularly poignant and compelling during the weeks of Lent. Several … Read more

POC#5 The Power of the Cross with Michael Dubruiel episode 5 – Discerning Hearts

Episode 5 – The Cross of Christ unites… – Michael discusses:

Day 22 – Blindness
Day 23 – Lagtime
Day 24 – Weakness
Day 25 – Death
Day 26 – Our Choices
Day 27 – Truth
Day 28 – The Way to True Unity

POC#4 The Power of the Cross with Michael Dubruiel episode 4 – Discerning Hearts

Episode 4 – The Cross of Christ unites… – Michael discusses:

Day 15 – How We Worship
Day 16 – How We See Jesus
Day 17 – How We Forgive
Day 18 – Law and Love
Day 19 – Our Lives
Day 20 – Our Priorities
Day 21 – How We See Ourselves

POC#3 The Power of the Cross with Michael Dubruiel episode 3 – Discerning Hearts

Episode 3 – The Cross of Christ unites… – Michael discusses:

Day 8 – The Temporal and Eternal
Day 9 – Those Divided by Sin
Day 10 – In Humility
Day 11 – In Sin
Day 12 – Those Who Suffer For Justice
Day 13 – Us in the Work We Have to Do
Day 14 – God’s Mercy and Love

POC#2 The Power of the Cross with Michael Dubruiel episode 2 – Discerning Hearts

Episode 2 – The Cross of Christ teaches us… – Michael discusses:

Day 1 – Our Mission
Day 2 – To Live the Gospel
Day 3 – How to Pray
Day 4 – About Repentance
Day 5 – How to Trust and Give Thanks
Day 6 – Reconciliation
Day 7 – How to Love

POC#1 The Power of the Cross with Michael Dubruiel episode 1 – Discerning Hearts

Ash Wednesday – Eternal Life or Death?
Thursday – Jesus’ Invitation
Friday – How Much We Need Jesus
Saturday – A Matter of Life and Death

Michael Dubruiel – Power of the Cross

Michael Dubruiel received a Master’s Degrees in Christian Spirituality and Theology. He worked as a teacher at every level of Catholic Education, in pastoral ministry and served as an Acquisitions Editor for Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Company. He  appeared frequently on Catholic radio programs throughout the country and spoke at the national conferences of the … Read more

PoC-46 Holy Saturday: The Power of the Cross Lenten Meditation

Taking Up Our Cross. . .Be Not Afraid

Steps to Take as You Follow Christ

Ask—Is life a series of “gifts” from God or tragedies?

Seek—Encounter the empty tombs of life with the expectation that they are signs of the Risen Christ.

Knock—Meditate on 1 John 4:18–19.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and he who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because he first loved us.

How do you view the events of your life, as God punishing you or as God showering you with gifts? Is your image of what God is like from the way Jesus reveals God to us or from some other source?

Transform Your Life—Accept the cross whenever it presents itself to you in daily life. Do not flee from it. Do not shrink from it, but embrace it in the name of Jesus. Learn from it, be enlightened by it, find in it the key to living a fruitful life. Think of this every time that you sign yourself with the cross.

PoC-45 Good Friday: The Power of the Cross Lenten Meditation

Taking Up Our Cross. . .To Stay with Jesus

Steps to Take as You Follow Christ

Ask—Do I feel “lucky” to carry the cross that God has given me?

Seek—Keep the cross of Christ before you at all times. Let it be a reminder of Christ’s forgiveness for you when you feel sorrowful for your sins. Let it be a sign of God’s love for others when you are tempted to judge. Let it be a light that you can share with those whose lives you touch.

Knock—Meditate on 1 Corinthians 12:26–27.

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

Do you think of yourself as a part of Christ’s body? What changes are necessary for you to make in order to act as a member of the body of Christ rather than as an individual follower of Jesus?

Transform Your Life—Realize the difference that embracing the cross of Christ makes in your life. Learn to see the world in a new way and to see what Jesus meant when he said, “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5).