Day 8 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

Day 8 From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola: I ask you to put forth your every effort to win honor in heaven, fame and renown before the Lord, who is to be our judge. If God has given you the world’s goods in abundance, it is to help you gain those of heaven … Read more

Day 7 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

Day 7

From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola:

If the devil praises us, we must humble ourselves reflecting on our sins and wretchedness. If he abases us and keeps us down, we must then lift ourselves up in true faith and hope in our Lord, recalling to mind the benefits we have received from Him and with how much love and affection He is waiting to save us. The enemy is totally unconcerned whether he speaks the truth or tells lies; his only desire is to overcome us [Ep. 1:102].

When you find yourself being tempted by the enemy of human nature. . .you must fearlessly state and declare that you are a follower of the Lord and that you would rather die than leave His service [Ep. 1:103].

Our Father….

With St. Ignatius we pray:

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee Forever and ever.


St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us

Day 6 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola:

If we desire to live in honor and to be esteemed by our neighbors, then we shall never be solidly rooted in God our Lord, and it will be impossible for us to remain undisturbed when insults come our way [Ep. 1:86].

If we find that we are without the patience to endure insults from others we, then, have greater reason to complain, not because of those who injure us, but because of our own sensuality and carnal inclinations, and because we are not as mortified or dead to the world as we should be. These people are offering us opportunities for gaining a treasure greater than anyone can win in this life, and riches more numerous than anyone can accumulate in this world [Ep. 1:86-87].

Our Father….

With St. Ignatius we pray:

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee Forever and ever.


St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us

Day 5 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola:

We should praise all the laws of the Church, keeping our minds ever ready to seek reasons to defend them and not to oppose them [Spir. Exer., “Rules for Thinking with the Church”].

I must remind you to frequent the sacraments, to read spiritual books, and to pray with as much recollection as you possibly can. Every day set aside some time so that the soul will not be without its food and, thus, you will not be induced to complain like the one who said “My heart has withered because I have forgotten to eat my bread” (Psalm 102:4) [Ep. 6:524].

Our Father….

With St. Ignatius we pray: Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.

O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee Forever and ever.


St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us

Day 4 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

Day 4

From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola:

I desire for you the joy and full consolation of soul that I desire for myself, and I sympathize with you in your trials. . .but I consider this a very special gift of God our Lord for He is providing you with an occasion to practice patience, as well as faith and hope in Him [Ep. 6:161].

In the life which is eternal and without end God will reward your patience with indescribable joy and glory; there will be no trials, sadness, or discomfort—for there are none of these in heaven—but only the fulfillment of every joy and happiness [Ep. 6:161].

Our Father….

With St. Ignatius we pray:

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee
Forever and ever.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us

Day 3 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

Day 3

From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola:

The peace of our Lord is something interior, and it brings with it all the other gifts and graces necessary for salvation and eternal life. This peace makes us love our neighbor for the love of our Creator and Lord, and because of this same love we observe all the commandments of the law, as St. Paul says: “He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:8). He has fulfilled the law because he loves his Creator and Lord and loves his neighbor for his Lord’s sake [Ep. 1:162].

Our Father….

With St. Ignatius we pray:

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee
Forever and ever.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us

Day 2 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena Day 2

Day 2

From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola:St.-Ignatius-2

You are much deceived in thinking that the cause of your unrest and little progress in following the way of the Lord comes from the place where you live, or your superiors, or your brethren. This unrest comes from within you, that is, it comes from your own lack of humility, obedience, and prayer, and finally from a want of mortification and fervor in advancing in the way of perfection. You could have a change in residence, of superiors, and of brethren, but if the interior man is not changed these other changes will do you no good. Everywhere will be the same for you, unless you become humble, obedient, devout, and you mortify your self-love. This is the change you should seek and no other [Ep. 8:328-329].

Our Father….

With St. Ignatius we pray:

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee
Forever and ever.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us

Day 1 St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena

Day 1

From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola:

The moment you decided to use all your strength in praising, honoring, and serving God our Lord, that was the moment you entered battle with the world, raised your standards against it, and made yourself ready to reject all that is exalted by embracing all that is lowly. At the same time you resolved to accept with indifference positions high or low, honor or dishonor, riches or poverty, to be loved or hated, to be appreciated or scorned—in short, the world’s glory or the injuries it could inflict upon you

If we desire to live in honor and to be esteemed by our neighbors, then we shall never be solidly rooted in God our Lord, and it will be impossible for us to remain undisturbed when insults come our way

Our Father….

St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us

With St. Ignatius we pray:

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee
Forever and ever.

A 9-Day St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena – Mp3 audio and text podcast

Day 1 (right click & choose "Save Link As") From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola: The moment you decided to use all your strength in praising, honoring, and serving God our Lord, that was the moment you entered battle with the world, raised your standards against it, and made yourself ready to ... Read more

HSE1 – Introduction – The Heart of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola with Fr. Anthony Wieck S.J. – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Fr. Anthony Wieck and Kris McGregor begin a new series centered around the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. This episode introduces us to St. Ignatius and an overview of the events leading up to a pivotal moment in his life.