AR#1 – God’s Patience – Advent Reflections with Deacon James Keating Ph.D. – Discerning Hearts Podcast

AR#1 – Advent Reflections with Deacon James Keating, Ph.D.Keating-2

One of God’s attributes is patience. He suffers His own creation, as it comes to fulfillment in His love. The God that we worship is a God who truly loves us. And in this great love, He waits. He waits for us to respond to all that He has given us. And He doesn’t simply wait in a passive way. He keeps loving us, keeps directing His love toward our hearts to awaken them with a response. This is near the very core of what Advent is about. God-loving us so deeply, directing His love toward us, and Him sharing His life with us so that we might respond in kind. So that we might wait and receive, and then respond to His great love

Deacon James Keating, Ph.D., is a professor of Spiritual Theology and serves as a spiritual director at Kenrick Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO. 

We highly recommend – The Eucharist and the Hope of Conversion with Deacon James Keating Ph.D. Discerning Hearts Podcast

For more from Deacon James Keating check out his “Discerning Heart” page

AR13 – St. Teresa of Avila and Trust – Advent Reflections with Deacon James Keating Ph.D.

St. Teresa of Avila said the following: “Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing. God only has changed us. Patience gains all things, who as God, wants nothing. God alone suffices.” Here, St. Teresa is telling us, in bold and beautiful language, many of the things we cling to in this time will pass away. We are called to cling to one thing and one thing only: and that is that God alone suffices. God is the source of all that we need. God is the one who never forgets us. God is the one who gives us our deepest heart’s desire: and that is communion with Him. This Advent, let’s trust God. Let’s trust that He’s giving us all that we need, and that if we let Him love us to the depths of our heart, we will want for nothing, and that the result of such reception of love will be peace; a peace that no one can take away; a peace that no time can change. A peace that will never pass.

Deacon James Keating, Ph.D., the director of Theological Formation for the Institute for Priestly Formation, located at Creighton University, in Omaha, is making available to “Discerning Hearts” and all who listen, his series of programs entitled “The Heart of Hope.”

Deacon James Keating Ph.D. – “The Light Shines in the Darkness” Advent Reflection

Deacon James Keating Ph.D. – “The Light Shines in the Darkness” Advent Reflection from Discerning Hearts on Vimeo.

This reflection was given by Deacon James Keating during the “The Light Shines in the Darkness” Insititute for Priestly Formation 2016 Advent Retreat  at Christ the King Church, in Omaha, NE on December 2016. Deacon Keating was joined by Fr. Mauritius Wilde OSB. This if the first of two talks.

Deacon James Keating, Ph.D., is the director of Theological Formation for the Institute for Priestly Formation, located at Creighton University, in Omaha.

Here is the audio podcast, if you prefer:

For more information on the “Institute for Priestly Formation” and for other material available by Deacon Keating, just click here

Check out Deacon Keating’s “Discerning Heart” page