CP6 – Awareness of His Presence – Reflections from Contemplative Provocations by Fr. Donald Haggerty – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Reflection 6 – Awareness of His Presence – Reflections from Contemplative Provocations by Fr. Donald Haggerty – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

When a person concludes any period of theological study with a sharper awareness of the mysteries in Catholic faith, mysteries not reducible to explanations in words, it is surely because the soul prayed during this time. A real encounter with God in prayer accompanied the effort of intellectual work.

A correct conceptual idea about God is not the same as a true thought about God. The former may be an accurate doctrinal affirmation or an insightful theological clarification. A true thought of God, however, includes an awareness of his presence in the current hour. It is easy to take up an idea about God while oblivious to the reality of his actual presence in the present moment. But a recognition of his presence is always more decisive for relations with him. How easy, however, to reverse the importance and seek a satisfaction regarding God that feeds only the intellect’s need.

Some of the finer spiritual intuitions can be received only in a humble incomprehension. Only an act of surrender to God uncovers these truths. His personal kindness and solicitude toward one’s soul, for instance, is never the discovery simply of a probing reflection. The deeper realization takes place more likely as a sudden, unexpected surprise, usually after a period of searching for God. Afterward, this certitude of God’s love retains an indecipherable element, still unexplained and unknown in some manner. It can never be subject to analysis. It is not recovered simply by returning to a thought. Only further submissions to God bring once again the awareness of his very personal care.

Haggerty, Donald. Contemplative Provocations: Brief, Concentrated Observations on Aspects of a Life with God (pp. 37-38). Ignatius Press. Kindle Edition.

Discerning Hearts Daily Contemplative Prompts

How can we cultivate a deeper awareness of God’s presence in our daily lives, beyond intellectual understanding, to experience His personal care and solicitude in the midst of our Lenten journey?

Reflect on a moment in your life when you experienced a deep, perhaps unexpected sense of God’s love and presence. How did this encounter challenge or enrich your understanding of faith beyond intellectual comprehension?

Obtain a copy of the book here

A great many religious people undertake a serious dedication to prayer. They are moved by a longing for a deeper encounter with God that beckons them as a distant light at night on the sea. Yet far fewer become true contemplative souls, for it is difficult to continue the quest for God in the face of many obstacles.

For those who are spiritually courageous and full of desire for God, this book will provoke them to persevere in this ultimate adventure in life-the more complete discovery of the living God. Thematically unified by the notion of God’s ultimate transcendence to our limited human knowledge, this work offers a rich profusion of insights on the life of prayer and the pursuit of God.

A key to spiritual growth is the understanding that the hiddenness of God becomes a paradox in the experience of a soul seeking him wholeheartedly. Rather than enjoying a more intimate familiarity with God, the soul advancing in prayer is likely to experience more intensely the concealment of God. This surprising truth undergirds true contemplative prayer. It is a reason why every contemplative soul, and every saint, is inflamed with a never satisfied thirst for God.