As if Already in Eternity: The Wisdom of Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity by Anthony Lilles

Here’s an excerpt from Anthony’s posting:
Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity is a witness to the primacy of contemplation in the life of the Church and the mystical wisdom contemplation releases into human history. This is the wisdom that understands how God is present in both the public square as well as in the intimacy of our hearts. Today, when the whole world needs this wisdom renewed, the Church celebrates her feast day and invites us to consider her powerful spiritual doctrine.

She wrote a famous prayer to the Holy Trinity that has helped many contemplatives recover devotion to the Divine Persons in their life of prayer. This work is cited to support the Catechism of the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Divine Works and the Trinitarian Missions. The teaching itself is that God calls every individual to a great and beautiful purpose, to become a dwelling place for His presence in the world:

The ultimate end of the divine economy is the entry of God’s creatures into the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity. But even now we are called to be a dwelling for the Most Holy Trinity, ‘If a man loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him’ (CCC 260).

A 9-Day St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena – Mp3 audio and text podcast

Day 1 (right click & choose "Save Link As") From the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola: The moment you decided to use all your strength in praising, honoring, and serving God our Lord, that was the moment you entered battle with the world, raised your standards against it, and made yourself ready to ... Read more

IP#205 Christopher West – Fill These Hearts on Inside the Pages

Christopher West continues to offer to us work that is compelling, as well as challenging, in regards to our deepest desires…the yearning in our hearts that can only find rest in God. Through the Scriptures, the writings of the Saints, and the teachings of the Church, Christopher West helps us to understand that so much of what we seek and how we seek it, especially expressed through our bodies, cannot be authentically found in what our culture offers. The only place where true peace, joy, and fulfillment can be found is in the abundant love and grace which resides in the Heart of God who longs for us…it is up to us to respond.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, mystical doctor of the Church…grace is all we need

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a great mystical doctor of the Church. What a heart for Jesus and the Blessed Virgin (I’m sure he still has).

“There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge
That is curiosity.

There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others
That is vanity.

There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve
That is love.”

St. Bernard

BKL#12 – Building a Kingdom of Love w/ Msgr. John Esseff – Why do those who trust God sometimes suffer?

Show 12 ” Building a Kingdom of Love” – Why do those who trust in God sometimes suffer? Msgr. Esseff then addresses the issue of trust in the Lord as an expression in our faith…even when it’s hard

BKL#12 – Building a Kingdom of Love w/ Msgr. John Esseff – Why do those who trust God sometimes suffer? – Discerning Hearts

Show 12 ” Building a Kingdom of Love” – Why do those who trust in God sometimes suffer? Msgr. Esseff then addresses the issue of trust in the Lord as an expression in our faith…even when it’s hard

The Annunciation – Our Blessed Mother’s Assent to the Will of God – “I am the Handmaid of the Lord”

“Mary’s meeting with the angel is like the summation of her entire preceding life of contemplation. It is the first thing we learn about her. We do not know who she is, we do not know her past. But when we learn that she saw the angel, the whole composition of her soul becomes visible. The angel which appears is the fulfillment of her prayer – not in the sense that she had prayed for the appearance or prepared herself for it, but rather in the sense that she has held herself in readiness for a mission still unknown to her. She has lived in an attitude of prayer, and in virtue of this life she is capable in the crucial moment of seeing and obeying the angel who comes to her. Both vision and obedience flow from the same source in her; from the openness toward the mission which God may give her, when and in whatever way he likes. Her obedience is the prototype of every future instance of Christian obedience, which draws its whole meaning from the life of prayer and the perception of God’s will.” [Adrienne von Speyr: Handmaid of the Lord. From the Chapter, “Mary and the Angel”, pg. 27]

IP#139 Paula Huston – Simplifying Your Soul on Inside the Pages

Here is the book for Lent (and any other time of the year for that matter), “Simplifying Your Soul: Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit” is “simply” wonderful! Paula Huston has such a gentle way of helping us to penetrate into what our hearts so we can draw closer to what we truly long for…a deeper relationship with God…the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A benedictine oblate, Paula, draws from the best of the monastic traditions and helps us to apply those practices in our modern day circumstances. I have to believe that Sts. Benedict and Scholastic would be overjoyed how this 21 century daughter of the church as responded to their initial teachings offered so a long ago. NOT TO BE MISSED…HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!