Dr. Anthony Lilles STD – Beginning to Pray

Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles, STD Here are the various series on Prayer and Spirituality offered by Dr. Anthony Lilles and Discerning Hearts Heaven in Faith - St. Elizabeth of the Trinity The Last Retreat - St. Elizabeth of the Trinity The Letters of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Way of Perfection - ... Read more

Poor Souls, Purgatory, Praying for the Dead…Yes, Virginia, there is a Purgatory – Discerning Hearts

OK, First…Purgatory, it’s a good thing. While no one knows exactly (though various mystics have attempted to convey what they experienced by way of their prayer) what will happen there, we do know that if we end up in Purgatory we should be extremely happy since we are most definitely headed for heaven. No one in Purgatory is sent to hell (Yeah!).

First Stop in this exploration is to listen to Deacon James Keating of Institute for Priestly Foramtion with one of the best discussions Bruce and I ever had on the Poor Souls and Purgatory.