RN-5 – Value # 4 – Truth, Freedom, Justice, and Love part 2 – Regnum Novum w/ Omar Gutierrez

Omar F. A. Gutierrez
Omar F. A. Gutierrez

Episode 5 – Regnum Novum: Bringing forth the New Evangelization through Catholic Social Teaching with Omar GuiterrezValue 4 Truth, Freedom, Justice, and Love part 2 “Justice”

procession 800x600 RN 1 Regnum Novum: Bringing forth the New Evangelization through Catholic Social Teaching with Omar Gutierrez  Episode 1

From episode … 5. Truth, Freedom, Justice, and Love part 2 “Justice”

These are the four values of the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church as they’re enumerated in the Compendium and as they were laid out by, again, St. Pope John XXIII in Mater et magistra and Pacem in terris. Without these values, the work of social justice becomes an albatross around our necks. It pulls us down, threatening to poison all the work we do, no matter how well intentioned.

Justice requires we know what is due to our neighbor. But even when justice is achieved, it can be cold and impersonal, as Pope John Paul II said. This is why the phrase “social justice” appears so rarely in the Church’s Social Teaching. Justice is the bare minimum, and we are not looking for the minimum.

(Truth, Freedom and  Love are covered in other episodes)

True social justice requires that we drop these paradigms of opposition: management vs. labor; bourgeois vs. proletariat; state vs. individual. We own the great Catholic both/and. It applies to the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church more than ever.
Urging of Christ's LoveOmar F. A. Guiterrez, M.A. , Special Assistant to Archbishop George Lucas of the Archdiocese of Omaha. He’s also the author of “The Urging of Christ’s Love: The Saints and The Social Teaching of the Catholic”


Also visit Omar’s “Discerning Hearts” page Catholic Social Teaching 101

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