IP#291 Robert Royal – A Deeper Vision on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor

Robert-RoyalWhen I saw the author, Robert Royal, and then the title of the book, “A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century” on the front cover, I knew this was going to be a great adventure in reading.  I was not disappointed.  In fact, this book is incredible!  DO NOT be intimidated by the subject matter, on the contrary, embrace it as a cherished gift for the mind and heart!

In this conversation with Robert Royal, we can only touch the tip of this towering mountain.  Pope Benedict XVI, St. John Paul II, Hans Urs von Balthasar are just some of the great “thinkers” we discuss.  We also talk about the challenges faced in communicating an authentically catholic (universal) balanced truth. What principles dictate the expression? And how can we navigate through hazardous traps of opinion and punditry that is presented to us today by “would-be” theologians and intellectuals who appear to “specialize” in presenting Catholic thought though the use of the internet and other media outlets?  If we are not familiar with the basic principles, vocabulary, and virtues of Catholic thought we could be doomed to fall into unfortunate intellectual (and possibly heretical) traps.

This is a tremendous work, so very well done! Thank you to Ignatius Press for once again serving up an incredible spiritual feast! Highly, highly recommended!

A-Deeper-VisionThe book can be found here

From the book description:

Royal presents in a single volume a sweeping but readable account of how Catholic thinking developed in philosophy, theology, Scripture studies, culture, literature, and much more in the twentieth century. This involves great figures, recognized as such both inside and outside the Church, such as Jacques Maritain, Bernard Lonergan, Joseph Pieper, Edith Stein, Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, Romano Guardini, Karl Rahner, Henri du Lubac, Karol Wojtyla, Joseph Ratzinger, Hans Urs von Balthasar,Charles Peguy, Paul Claudel, George Bernanos, Francois Mauriac, G. K. Chesterton, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Christopher Dawson, Graham Greene, Sigrid Undset, J. R. R. Tolkien, Czeslaw Milosz, and many more.

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